2021/9/27 | 分类:天河报关
“CargoMaster EXPERIENCE with KNOW HOW, it simply cannot be copied”
“Frankly, as is the nature of the Transportation Industry, things can (and do) go wrong from time to time (for one reason or another), with CargoMaster KNOW HOW you are working with a Self Pack Removalist and shipping company that has the experience, knowledge and network, to be able to remedy problems quickly and safely.” (Quote by the Managing Director,Grant Carroll). More about us 大连分公司与中远、长荣、达飞、韩进、阳明、地中海航运等多家船公司保持良好的合作伙伴关系,尤其是欧洲、地中海、东南亚航线在大连市场极具优势。
“Frankly, as is the nature of the Transportation Industry, things can (and do) go wrong from time to time (for one reason or another), with CargoMaster KNOW HOW you are working with a Self Pack Removalist and shipping company that has the experience, knowledge and network, to be able to remedy problems quickly and safely.” (Quote by the Managing Director,Grant Carroll). More about us 大连分公司与中远、长荣、达飞、韩进、阳明、地中海航运等多家船公司保持良好的合作伙伴关系,尤其是欧洲、地中海、东南亚航线在大连市场极具优势。