2021/12/31 | 分类:黄埔报关
Nobody could have predicted how turbulent the past months would be. So many otherwise stable factors have become disrupted, leading to uncertainty which can easily become paralysing. But that is our worst-case scenario. We need to move on, building on our assets, ‘our people' and on our abilities. In close cooperation with customers, suppliers and all Wagenborg people we look back on 2021 with satisfaction. As we move into 2022 and hope to continue this positive vibe, here is a look back on some stories that moved our company last year.目前业务已扩展到中东、欧洲等海外市场,是一家集信息咨询、物流服务、仓储配送、全程运输、贸易采购、电子商务结算为一体的现代化物流企业。我们始终坚持"安全与时效并行,服务与微笑同在"的服务标准,营业范围不断发展壮大,目前在北京、广州、深圳、杭州、义乌、上海、苏州、内蒙古满洲里、黑龙江黑河等全国主要城市设有分支机构,更多分支机构还在不断筹划。...