
2016/6/4   |  分类:空运
我司主要从广州、香港、深圳、澳门、上海、北京等国际机场为依托起飞到世界各地大中 城市,主要签约代理JL、CZ、MH、AF、SA、UPS、TG、OZ、FX、UK、AF 、LH 、AA 、QF、EK 、QY、QR、GF、SV、CI、CA、5XAI、CX、MP 等航空公司,其中TG货机,OZ货机,JL、EK、KE、FX货机是包板合作,多数国家经常有特价促销,仓位保证。同时我司提供全方位一站式的空运服务,我们还能为客户提供DDU、DDP预付、到付,仓储报关,报检,商业文件,信用证,等各全方位的需求。

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2016/6/3   |  分类:中港进口
  主要有通用废塑料,废橡胶,工程废塑料,再生塑料,特种废塑料,塑料混合/复合料,塑料助剂,废塑料处理设备(造粒机,塑料分离设备,注塑机,淋膜机,泡沫制造机,清洗设备,塑料破碎机,脱水机,压力机,离心机,干燥机,吹塑机/吹膜机,打包机,混合机,挤出机,密炼机,其他废塑料处理设备,废铁,废铁,废钢,废铜,废钢,废镍,废铜,其它金属,废锡,废不锈钢,废电线电缆,废不锈钢,废旧轮胎, 数码、电脑及配件, 电脑游戏周边产品, 新旧模具、五金模具、冲压模具、模胚等制造设备、二手件,冲压件、机械、CNC加工中心。

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Africa, Mild-east非洲海运

2016/6/1   |  分类:中港进口
PIF locates in the Logistics Building, Shenzhen Int’l Airport, which was founded in August, 1st, 2009, with registered capital RMB650 million. PIF specializes in a full range of professional services such as int’l air freight, ocean freight, express, warehouse, etc. We establish good relationship with respective famous airlines, shipping company, custom, security check company, so that we can fly the air cargoes “fastly, safely, efficiently’. Moreover, with the advantages of numerous professional and specialized highly qualified talents, which allows us to provide our customers all-round logistics services with high quality and reasonable price.

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