2016/6/20 | 分类:越秀区报关 | 标签: | views
口岸拥有长期合作的报关行,可代客户办理进出口报关、代办商检、动植检、保险、FORM A、
C/O、熏蒸证书和特殊货物的通关等服务。Warehouse Equipment
1. Shelf/Racking
The use of Multi-layer shelves improve warehouse utilization of space.
2. Moving Equipment: Forklift/ High Altitude Reclaimer
These moving equipments speed up goods handling to make sure our service be efficient and time-saving.
3. Handling Equipment: Automatic lifting plat form for goods loading and unloading
Automatic lifting platform for goods loading and unloading.
4. CMS
Cargo Monitoring System achieve its monitoring goal by Video Security Alarm
5.Fire Control
The decoration of our warehouse accord with the standard from CHINA FIRE PROTECTION ASSOCIATION.
6. ESD/Anti-humid
Constant Temperature and Humidity Environment / Antistatic Floor Painting
We provide the safety environment of ESD and Anti-humid to ensure storing the goods well.
口岸拥有长期合作的报关行,可代客户办理进出口报关、代办商检、动植检、保险、FORM A、
C/O、熏蒸证书和特殊货物的通关等服务。Warehouse Equipment
1. Shelf/Racking
The use of Multi-layer shelves improve warehouse utilization of space.
2. Moving Equipment: Forklift/ High Altitude Reclaimer
These moving equipments speed up goods handling to make sure our service be efficient and time-saving.
3. Handling Equipment: Automatic lifting plat form for goods loading and unloading
Automatic lifting platform for goods loading and unloading.
4. CMS
Cargo Monitoring System achieve its monitoring goal by Video Security Alarm
5.Fire Control
The decoration of our warehouse accord with the standard from CHINA FIRE PROTECTION ASSOCIATION.
6. ESD/Anti-humid
Constant Temperature and Humidity Environment / Antistatic Floor Painting
We provide the safety environment of ESD and Anti-humid to ensure storing the goods well.