International Cargo
2016/4/10 | 分类:中港进口 | 标签: | views
本系列除尘器共有六个规格,每种规格又可分为标准带灰斗式 A型和敞开法兰式(无灰斗)B型二种。其结构主要由过滤室、滤袋、净气室、灰斗、卸灰阀、脉冲喷吹装置、电控箱等组成,箱体全部采用焊接结构,检修门用泡沫橡胶条密封,保证除尘器严密不漏风。
2、除尘器的工作原理如下:含尘气体由灰斗(或下部敞开式法兰)进入过滤室,较粗颗粒直接落入灰斗或灰仓,含尘气体经滤袋过滤,粉尘阻留于袋表,净气经袋口到净气室,由风机排入大气。当滤袋表面的粉尘不断增加,导致设备阻力上升到设定值时,时间继电器(或微差压控制器)输出信号,程控仪开始工作,逐个开启脉冲阀,使压缩空气通过喷口对滤袋进行喷吹清灰,使滤袋突然膨胀,在反向气流的作用下,附于袋表的粉尘迅速脱离滤袋落入灰斗(或灰仓),粉尘由卸灰阀排出。全部滤袋喷吹清灰结束后,除尘器恢复正常工作。by CAAC (Civil Aviation Administration of China ), Ministry of Communication and Customs Head Office, is a professional international logistics company and specializes in import & export air transport, and door to door transportation from Pearl River Delta, Hongkong to all over the world air transport.
GLL is located in International Cargo Center of Shenzhen, is very convenient for the operation of import and export goods. the company have established a good cooperative relationship with the customs, transport, the port inspection departments, and domestic & foreign trade sector, established a business network widely, in order to provide superior freight services for the customers.
In order to provide international freight transportation service, we has been committed to the establishment of a global coverage of the freight network, to ensure that we can provide customers with high quality, reliable freight service.
2、除尘器的工作原理如下:含尘气体由灰斗(或下部敞开式法兰)进入过滤室,较粗颗粒直接落入灰斗或灰仓,含尘气体经滤袋过滤,粉尘阻留于袋表,净气经袋口到净气室,由风机排入大气。当滤袋表面的粉尘不断增加,导致设备阻力上升到设定值时,时间继电器(或微差压控制器)输出信号,程控仪开始工作,逐个开启脉冲阀,使压缩空气通过喷口对滤袋进行喷吹清灰,使滤袋突然膨胀,在反向气流的作用下,附于袋表的粉尘迅速脱离滤袋落入灰斗(或灰仓),粉尘由卸灰阀排出。全部滤袋喷吹清灰结束后,除尘器恢复正常工作。by CAAC (Civil Aviation Administration of China ), Ministry of Communication and Customs Head Office, is a professional international logistics company and specializes in import & export air transport, and door to door transportation from Pearl River Delta, Hongkong to all over the world air transport.
GLL is located in International Cargo Center of Shenzhen, is very convenient for the operation of import and export goods. the company have established a good cooperative relationship with the customs, transport, the port inspection departments, and domestic & foreign trade sector, established a business network widely, in order to provide superior freight services for the customers.
In order to provide international freight transportation service, we has been committed to the establishment of a global coverage of the freight network, to ensure that we can provide customers with high quality, reliable freight service.