2015/12/14 | 分类:越秀区报关 | 标签: | views
always stick to the business spirit “Sincere, Practical, Innovative, Efficient”. With the professional and highly experienced staff, with the reliability to all major airline, shipping & express company of the world, with wide agency network in prime cities around the world, with reputation to customs & brokers of main ports, we can offer efficient, convenient, secure & speedy services to our customers. By the support of Hongkong, Shenzhen and Guangzhou, we are not only one of the leading forwarder, but also one of the most progressive and respected company in the region.
HooDoL Logistics will try our best to develop and strengthen with all our clients and partners of homeland and overseas.以为您打造快捷、高效、贴心的国际空中货运业务,现主营并承揽华南及珠三角地区的国际空运服务、主营优势目前集中于欧洲和美国航线,战略合作伙伴遍布全球各个角落,在广州、深圳、香港、澳门,珠海均设有收货点
● 空运量超过 5,000,000 kgs/year.
● 与多家航空公司签约:CX/OZ/CI/JL/MH/TG…
● 完善的配套设施:自行装板,中转仓库,自动标签系统,保税卡车,重新包装设施等。
● 定期并装至欧美日主要空港
● 国外清关,派送,参展等服务.
HooDoL Logistics will try our best to develop and strengthen with all our clients and partners of homeland and overseas.以为您打造快捷、高效、贴心的国际空中货运业务,现主营并承揽华南及珠三角地区的国际空运服务、主营优势目前集中于欧洲和美国航线,战略合作伙伴遍布全球各个角落,在广州、深圳、香港、澳门,珠海均设有收货点
● 空运量超过 5,000,000 kgs/year.
● 与多家航空公司签约:CX/OZ/CI/JL/MH/TG…
● 完善的配套设施:自行装板,中转仓库,自动标签系统,保税卡车,重新包装设施等。
● 定期并装至欧美日主要空港
● 国外清关,派送,参展等服务.