Goods collection all over chinaDHL美国蓝单
2014/6/9 | 分类:黄埔报关 | 标签: | views
国际快递一直是我司的主营和主打业务,也是我司最具优势的服务项目!主要代理DHL 、TNT、 UPS、 FEDEX四大国际快递公司和邮政快递(EMS)以及各种专线的快递业务。我司不断整合自身优势资源、凭借与各快递代理的友好合作,能根据客户不同的需求量身定做出最优惠、最快捷、最准确的线路,将货物安全送达客户手上!
FEDEX国际快递:我司FEDEX分为FEDEX小货价和FEDEX大货价,FEDEX大货价主要针对东南亚、美、加、西欧等市场!此价格我司在市场上占有绝对优势! Commodity sourcing
Business car service
Shopping guide
Goods collection all over china
Warehouse storage
Business purchase
Fund collection and payment
FCP service and Business Purchase
We have many good suppliers, the lowest prices and the best quality goods .Even you not in China,you can easy and fast purchase your commodiry without long trip.Pay money to our branch and you will receive your goods in your house or business premises in your country.
★ FCP -- Fund Collection and Payment
FEDEX国际快递:我司FEDEX分为FEDEX小货价和FEDEX大货价,FEDEX大货价主要针对东南亚、美、加、西欧等市场!此价格我司在市场上占有绝对优势! Commodity sourcing
Business car service
Shopping guide
Goods collection all over china
Warehouse storage
Business purchase
Fund collection and payment
FCP service and Business Purchase
We have many good suppliers, the lowest prices and the best quality goods .Even you not in China,you can easy and fast purchase your commodiry without long trip.Pay money to our branch and you will receive your goods in your house or business premises in your country.
★ FCP -- Fund Collection and Payment