2012/12/5  |  分类:白云区报关  |  标签:  |   views
Warehouse Logistics Service
Wingedpower company rent 5000 square-meters’ container space and 5000square-meters’ free trade warehouse in Tianjin. We will provide you high quality of services concluding take-over goods,load and unload, packing, warehouse, dialing, goods pick up, delivery and etc.. We will try to meet your need and make you satisfied in Wingedpower.

Featured Service and Emergent 1.Wingedpower Co. provide: services on inspection loading, taking photograph, delaying clearance, delaying closing time.
2.Wingedpower Co. provide: services on dangerous goods’ operation, dangerous goods’ shipment in holidays.
3.Provide information of connecting vessel, transport, tracking the ETA.
4.All the staff in our company will keep sell-phone available for 24 hours. Your requirement is just what we do.
Other Services
National and international railway transport service
Service Feature

部批准成立的具有獨立法人資格的一級貨運代理,專業從事國際空運、海運進出口貨物的業務,並與多家航空公司及船務公司有著良好、密切的合作關係。(廣州機場如:SV. MH、SQ、CZ、CA MS QR TG等;香港機場如:SV EK、UPS、CX、CI BI 9W TG等;船務公司如:MSC、CSCL、DELMAS、YML、EVERGREEN、UASC等)我司憑著卓越的遠見和敏銳的觸覺洞悉市場先機,不斷創新,目前的網路已覆蓋全球各大城市,憑藉完善的代理網路,我們立志發展成為廣州其中一家最具規模及備受推崇的貨運機構。錦漢一貫秉承“專業、快捷、安全、”的服務宗旨,力求為客戶提供更為個性化的基礎,不斷得到社會各界人士的肯定及支持,使公司在短短幾年時間裏,屢創佳績,而我們精益求精的運作更榮獲ISO 9002品質管制檢定證書,進一步驗證實力。



