Malaysia海运公司 Malaysia马来海运
2012/11/30 | 分类:越秀区报关 | 标签:Malaysia | views
Shipping import:
★accept commission. Use agent relationship, undertake import business from all over the world to china
★supply transfer the documents. Customs clearance. Inspection. Animal and plant quarantine. Accept from yard.
★supply direct to fcl and devanning allocated to lcl
★accept transport the weight and big imported goods
★send arrival information to shipper and consignee in time
★supply transport to inland for imported cargo
中国物流产业蓬勃地发展起来,亦带来了前所未有的良好机遇, 国际空运凭借深圳、香港、广州等几大国际航班密集空港的独特优势,利用华南区发达的高速公路网络,配备高效快捷的卡车、吨车运输,发挥香港和深圳特区诸多方面的优惠政策,重点发展深圳及各珠三角地区的各项空运物流服务。 国际空运将按国内外生产商或进口商提供您所需要或适合您的物流方案及良好的物流服务。KJS国际货运将是您国际商务的良好助手,带您通往全世界的桥梁,更是国外客户您最理想的选择,我们将为您量身定做相关的空运服务。
★accept commission. Use agent relationship, undertake import business from all over the world to china
★supply transfer the documents. Customs clearance. Inspection. Animal and plant quarantine. Accept from yard.
★supply direct to fcl and devanning allocated to lcl
★accept transport the weight and big imported goods
★send arrival information to shipper and consignee in time
★supply transport to inland for imported cargo
中国物流产业蓬勃地发展起来,亦带来了前所未有的良好机遇, 国际空运凭借深圳、香港、广州等几大国际航班密集空港的独特优势,利用华南区发达的高速公路网络,配备高效快捷的卡车、吨车运输,发挥香港和深圳特区诸多方面的优惠政策,重点发展深圳及各珠三角地区的各项空运物流服务。 国际空运将按国内外生产商或进口商提供您所需要或适合您的物流方案及良好的物流服务。KJS国际货运将是您国际商务的良好助手,带您通往全世界的桥梁,更是国外客户您最理想的选择,我们将为您量身定做相关的空运服务。