first class freight agent
2012/8/7 | 分类:越秀区报关 | 标签: | views
各大领域的进出口代理服务和海.陆.空.物流运输服务。包括:1、代理以中国为起点的全航线订舱。托运和仓储;2、货物的监装。监卸。集装箱装拆箱。分拨。中转及相关的短途运输服 务;3、报关。报检。报验。保险;4、缮制定签发有关单证。交付运费。结算及交付杂费;5、越南专线服务;6、香港快件进出口服务。7、国内。中港运输服务。8、国际多式联运等。spent 3 million RMB to register (register No 4401112014741) as the first class freight agent under the ministry of commerce. After so many years’hard work, we now have a team of professionals dedicated to provide reliable, swift and high-efficient services for our customers at home and abroad.